Andrew McCarthy Photography


New role for the Royal Photographic Society

I was incredibly honoured recently to have been asked to join the Royal Photographic Society’s distinctions process as an assessor on the Natural History panel for Associate and Fellowship distinctions.

I have now been through the induction / training process, and am very much looking forward to  getting properly involved with my fellow panel members during the next set of assessment sessions in the autumn. 

I never cease to be amazed at just how much thought, effort and passion applicants put into their submissions, so being a member of this panel is not only prestigious for me, but it’s a big responsibility too.  Cant wait for the next session!

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Publication in The Iris – Journal of the RPS Nature Group

Following a successful application to the Royal Photographic Society in October 2022 for my Natural History Fellowship, I have written about my distinction journey in this months’ copy of The Iris – the (excellent) journal of the RPS Nature Group and have recently been invited to join the RPS Associate/Fellowship judging panel, which is a massive honour. If you are not already a member of the RPS I highly recommend their distinction route as an superb way of improving your photography.  Do check out my Iris article here:

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Dippers On Dartmoor

We are now nearly mid-way through January and it will only be another few weeks before the dippers on my local stretch of the River Teign begin to start pairing up and holding territory again, in preparation for the new breeding season. 

I will be running 1:1 workshops with these lovely birds again in 2022, but in the meantime here is an article I had published in Outdoor Photographer magazine in mid-2021.

Click here to download the full article as a PDF.

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